Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mulai Sekarang Gerbang Tol Cikopo tidak dipakai lagi untuk selamanya...inget loh

Mulai Sekarang Gerbang Tol Cikopo Tidak Dipakai Lagi untuk Selamanya...inget loh.

Berhubungan dengan dimulainya sistem integrasi jalan tol mulai Senin ini ( 13/6 ) maka Gerbang Tol (GT) Cikopo di Purwakarta tidak akan diberlakukan seterusnya setelah pemerintah memberlakukan jalur tol integrasi Jakarta-Cikampek-Brebes, yang mulai berlaku hari ini 

Sejak akhir pekan lalu, petugas PT Lintas Marga Sedaya (LMS) selaku operator Tol Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) mulai melakukan pembongkaran gardu tol. Sehingga, kendaraan dari Jakarta atau Cirebon tidak lagi melakukan transaksi di GT Cikopo.

“Mulai hari ini dibebaskan, kendaran dari kedua arah tidak lagi bertransaksi di GT Cikopo. Gardu yang ada di GT Cikopo sudah dipindahkan ke GT Palimanan,” ujar Andris Lumawa selaku Kabag Manajemen Lalu Lintas PT LMS ditemui di GT Cikopo, Senin (13/6).

Berdasarkan keterangan didapat untuk sistem integrasi jalan tol yaitu:

Intergrasi Jalan Tol  :

* Klaster I meliputi jalan tol Jakarta-Cikampek ( Jasa Marga ), Jalan Tol Cipularang ( Jasa Marga ), Jalan Tol Padaleunyi ( Jasa Marga ) serta Jalan Tol Cikopo-Palimanan ( Lintas Marga Sedaya ).

* Klaster II meliputi Jalan Tol Palimanan-Kanci ( Jasa Marga ), Jalan Tol Kanci-Pejagan ( Semesta Marga Raya ), dan Jalan Tol Pejagan-Pemalang ( Pejagan Pemalang Toll Road )

Oleh karenanya di GT Palimanan nanti dengan penambahan gardu dari GT Cikopo akan berjumlah 26 gardu. “Sehingga nanti saat mendekati arus mudik, 21 gardu akan dibuka untuk exit tol kendaraan dari Jakarta. Begitu juga sebaliknya jika sudah memasuki arus balik,” ujar Andris.

Berkaca pada arus mudik tahun lalu di Tol Cipali, banyaknya kendaraan dari Jakarta menuju Cirebon yang berhenti di GT Cikopo untuk bertransaksi pembayaran tol berdampak pada kemacetan panjang.

Catatan Tribun, ekor kepadatan antrian kendaraan di GT Cikopo memanjang hingga di jalur keluar GT Cikampek, di Jalan Raya Bungursari Purwakarta.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Kepala Ruas Transaksi Tol Cipali Bagian Barat, Prayogi Setyo Pratomo menambahkan GT Cikopo akan dibongkar total dengan pemberlakukan jalur tol integrasi tersebut.

“Jangka panjangnya memang dibongkar, tidak ada lagi GT Cikopo. Tapi progresnya tidak langsung, tapi bertahap,” ujarnya.

Meski begitu, ia menjelaskan pembongkaran GT Cikopo tidak ditarget karena tanpa dibongkarpun kendaraan masih bisa melaju, ditambah lagit tidak ada transaksi .

“Target penuh sih tidak ada, namun kami targetkan setelah lebaran jalur di GT Cikopo ini diperlebar sebelum akhirnya nanti dibongkar,” ujar dia. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Tahun ini 500 GTO Siap Operasi menyambut lebaran..

PT Jasa Marga Tbk bersiap menambah Gerbang Toll Otomatis ( GTO ) diseluruh gardu tol yang dioperasikan dari 40 menjadi 50 persen.Dan mentargetkan  pemakaian transaksi elektronik E-Toll mencapai 30-40 persen sisanya masih cara tunai. " kata Christianto Prihambodo, Direktur Operasi PT Jasa Marga Tbk.

Jadi PT Jasa Marga Tbk bersiap menambah GTO diseluruh gardu tol yang dioperasikan  sehingga akhir tahun mencapai 500 GTO dari total 1000 GTO atau 50 persen dari semua.

Mulai Senin ( 13/6 ) Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol resmi menguji cobakan system transaksi terintegrasi jalan tol mulai Jakarta-Cikampek sampai Palimanan-Brebes Timur, Intergrasi ini terbagi 2 klaster.

Kedua klaster tersebut sudah bisa memakai transaksi E-Toll yang bisa dilakukan oleh bank swasta ataupun umum nasional seperti Bank Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BTN dan BNI

Intergrasi Jalan Tol  :

* Klaster I meliputi jalan tol Jakarta-Cikampek ( Jasa Marga ), Jalan Tol Cipularang ( Jasa Marga ), Jalan Tol Padaleunyi ( Jasa Marga ) serta Jalan Tol Cikopo-Palimanan ( Lintas Marga Sedaya ).

* Klaster II meliputi Jalan Tol Palimanan-Kanci ( Jasa Marga ), Jalan Tol Kanci-Pejagan ( Semesta Marga Raya ), dan Jalan Tol Pejagan-Pemalang ( Pejagan Pemalang Toll Road )

Mekanisme Transaksi :

* terbagi atas 2jalur yaitu arus mudik /arus keluar dan arus balik/arus datang
* untuk jalur mudik / jalur keluar Jakarta, pengguna jalan akan mengambil Kartu Tanda Masuk Elektronik ( KTME ) digerbang tol Cikarang Utama 1 dan menyerahkan sekaligus melakukan pembayaran transaksi tol di GT Palimanan untuk ruas klaster I.
* Setelah membayar di GT Palimanan, pengguna jalan selanjutnya mengambil KTME untuk klaster II dan akan membayarkan tarif tol di gardu-gardu keluar sesuai asal tujuan ( sistem tertutup ).
* Sedangkan untuk arus balik /jalur menuju Jakarta, pengguna jalan mengambil KTME diruas klaster II pada gardu masuk ruas Palimanan-Brebes Timur dan menyerahkan KTME sekaligus bayar tarif tol ruas klaster II sesuai tujuan ( sistem tertutup ) pada gardu keluar GT Palimanan.
*Khusus transaksi pada GT Palimanan, pengguna jalan mengambil KTME untuk ruas klaster I dan melakukan transaksi digardu keluar ruas Jakarta-Cikampek, misalnya GT Cikarang Utama 2 atau 3, atau ruas Cipularang-Padaleunyi.

Semoga intergrasi tersebut dapat membantu kemacetan saat mudik lebaran tahun 2016 ini.
please subcribe..

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The attitude of the dear mother who performed the PM India reaped praise

The attitude of the dear mother who performed the PM India reaped praise

It may be true what the saying goes "the love of the mother of all time" is a phrase that describes how the sacrifice and the love of a mother to her children do not know the time and respect for him. In fact, it should serve as a child on the mother because of the sacrifice and love the mother raised him (saying "Heaven is under the feet of mothers")

As shown the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, as he is being invited his mother, Heeraben Modi streets with a wheelchair. Through some of the pictures are diunggahnya into social media, Narendra instantly reap the praise of the netizen.

As reported by from on Monday (16/5/2016), what is done is not a form of Narendra attitude, imaging, or relating to the political policy of India in the lead. Narendra who officially became Prime Minister in may 2014 looks to have a very close relationship with his mother.

Heeraben Modi who is now 90 years old did not live alone. He lived with his family in Gujarat. Through the Twitternya account even Narendra says "Spend time with him after all this time". In addition, he also wrote "my mother back to Gujarat. Enjoy quality time with him and this is her first visit to Race Course Road. "

The action of the Prime Minister are seen keeping and caring for his mother dearest has certainly got a positive response. Some say such accounts, touched @KunwaeMoeez wrote, "Feel very happy for you. The mother is the most valuable treasure in the world and life afterwards. " Not only that, the account @twinitisha also said, "it's very touching and looks so natural"

The cause of the death of the prince, an overdose of Duragesic

The cause of the death of the prince, an overdose of Duragesic
Prince Rogers Nelson [foto: mirror]

one of the most influential musicians of his generation, was found dead at his home in suburban Minneapolis on 21 April. He died of accidental drug use was exaggerated, according to the examiner's officer of health in a report the death on Thursday.

Synthetic opioid overdose deaths Duragesic
The death of the great musician Prince in April, still leaves the funeral. What's more, for weeks, it is still unknown what the cause of native American musicians that died. But later, new reports related to her death had been delivered.

As reported by the Huffington Post, from Thursday (2/6/2016), a sheet of Midwest Medical Examiner had spread in social media. It was reported that the Prince had died of an overdose of duragesic, a type of synthetic sleeping drug 80 times more powerful than morphine and hundreds of times more powerful than heroin.
Fentanil, Painkiller by a health worker is referred to as the cause of death of famous musicians, Prince, six weeks ago, is responsible for the epidemic of overdose deaths across the United States, according to federal officials.

This is the most potent narcotic opioid which is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine, as quoted from the US disease control Agency page (CDC), Monday (6/6/2016). According to the agency that the production of illegal drugs and fentanil on non-use of an overdose is increasing rapidly.

Synthetic opioid overdose deaths soared 80 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, said the CDC, which showed an increase of that magnitude may reflect supply fentanil illegal. For example, in Ohio, fentanil overdose increase to 514 in 2014 from 92 in the previous year.

The issue has provoked a federal response. U.s. President Barack Obama earlier this year asked Congress for new funding for two years of 1.1 million billion to expand the treatment of heroin users and users of painkillers.

The US Drugs Agency last year issued a nationwide warning about the dangers of fentanil, seraya said even small amounts of the drug, however, it would kill.

Fentanil, a pain reliever that is usually used for patients who are seriously ill, are also manufactured in illegal laboratories for sale as illegal drugs on the streets.

While fentanil became an issue in the Midwest and on the East Coast in the last few years, in April, the case of an overdose fentanil occur in Northern California with 10 victims.

It is not clear whether the Prince has a recipe to fentanil after surgery hip. But if it is a drug with a prescription, it is not known who the doctor who gave it, as the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported it on Thursday.

Burt Kahn, a lawyer who specializes in medical negligence cases, said there are potential criminal if doctors prescribe fentanil on Prince, or make her addiction and stop it.

"Fentanil is a medication that is almost never prescribed to the patient like a Prince who does not have end-stage cancer, because of the potential for overdose is very high," said Kahn.

She said the doctor will typically want to monitor the vital signs of patients consuming fentanil, to make sure this medication is not slow breathing or heart rate, though it can be administered in controlled doses.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Do You know What Its

Some moment below we have ever experienced, at least we know that although we are not experiencing. And unfortunately we just watched or viewed from afar with no action against and reject the moment it

You know what ??...

Why the media would rather cover and broadcast news about celebrations, parties and sexuality than the news of the disaster or the obituary,
If the community prefers to consume the news than news of a disaster?
Whether it undermines local bureaucracy broadcasting news of the disaster rather than news celebration?!!
You know What..??
Why look at social media is time consuming, who spent our time preferred to see the news and the fact that there is..?
 You Know What ??
Why are we more concerned to shout toned than silent and suffering?
Why do we prefer to go to the power from the oppressed?
Why are we more concerned the same votes loud deceitful than the true groaning full of truth and meaning

You Know What ??

Why do we prefer to keep silent with gadgets, with social media, with a photo of the actual selfie imprison us in an invisible pseudo cells.
You Know That...
Truly multi tasking is not always positive, sometimes negative impact since taking over the duties of the other, thereby eliminating the participation of other parties